Becoming a female entrepreneur in Brussels
Setting up your own business can be THE solution for balancing your private and professional life. Desire is the key, the rest can be learnt. Why not take the plunge?

Entrepreneurship: desire first and foremost
Entrepreneurship is all about having a business idea and going for it. But it can also be the opposite: the desire to embark on an entrepreneurial project, but with no clear idea of the concept. In either case, there is no shortage of support to help you find the right idea, or make it a reality.
Because entrepreneurship is not just about launching a revolutionary start-up; it can also be about opening a catering business or a retail outlet, becoming self-employed or even setting up a non-profit organisation. There are as many forms of entrepreneurship as there are female entrepreneurs.
Your project can involve any field: food, tech, crafts, mobility, culture, sports or social, health, audiovisual, etc. It can also take the form of a not-for-profit organisation or a cooperative.
Entrepreneurship is a learning process
You are not born an entrepreneur, you become one! You don’t need a degree to start your own business. The most important thing is to want to do it, as everything else can be learned.
Many established women entrepreneurs in Brussels did not know what to do before they launched, and they did not always have experience in running a business. They received support to help them refine their project, make it viable and strong, and learn everything they needed to know to develop and manage it.
Because entrepreneurship is not something you do alone; Brussels offers a wide range of support and networks to help you make the most of your entrepreneurial drive or meet other women entrepreneurs.
Find your own pace and balance
Developing a project takes time and energy, but it is possible to combine your project with your personal life. Setting up your own business allows you to make your own decisions and choose your working environment and pace, so you can balance your professional and personal life.
Embarking on an entrepreneurial project means going at your own pace, taking the time to learn and receive support, so that you can take the plunge when you feel ready.