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Women Digital Festival

From 4 to 25 October 2024

A deep dive into digital technology, every Friday in October. Discover the opportunities that digital marketing, e-commerce, coding, no-code, AI and Web3 can offer your project or business!

Four days, each covering a different topic and open to female entrepreneurs (current and future) based in Brussels.


Each day, (re)discover a topic through workshops, talks by inspiring Brussels-based entrepreneurs, and meetings with other (future) entrepreneurs over breakfast or lunch in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

You can sign up for full days or choose the activities that interest you ‘à la carte’.

Coding & No-code

calendrier picto Friday 4 october

9am – 4:30pm horloge picto

location picto

For the first day of the festival, discover how to create websites and applications with or without coding. Take part in hands-on workshops, meet inspiring female entrepreneurs and develop your digital skills. Join us and take your digital project to the next level!

9am: Welcome breakfast
9am: Welcome breakfast Before we start talking (no-)code, join us for a meet and greet over breakfast on the first day of the Women Digital Festival!

9.30am: “Create the prototype of your future mobile or web app” workshop
Discover Figma, a powerful tool for creating prototype websites and applications. Learn how to design your first draft – no experience needed. Just bring your computer.

Midday: Talk – Emna Everard, founder of Kazidomi, “My tips for making your e-commerce stand out on the market”
Emna Everard, co-founder and CEO of Kazidomi, the online supermarket for healthy products, will share her entrepreneurial experience and tips for developing a sustainable, high-performance e-commerce business.

1pm: Networking lunch
Meet other participants and network over a free lunch. Make valuable connections and discuss your projects and ideas in a friendly atmosphere.

2.30pm: “No-code your website” workshop
Learn how to create your first website without coding, thanks to no-code tools. No experience required – just bring your computer.


calendrier picto Friday 11 october

9am – 4:30pm horloge picto

location picto BeCentral – Google Digital Atelier

Learn how to launch and optimise your online store through practical workshops and inspiring discussions. Meet the experts and develop a winning strategy for your e-commerce business.

9am: Inspiration breakfast – getting support and reaching international markets with an online business
To get the day off to a good start, find out how to go international with the teams, and discover what support is available.

10am: Workshop “E-commerce basics”
Discover what you need to know before launching your e-commerce business. Ideal for (future) entrepreneurs who haven’t yet taken the plunge.

1pm: Networking lunch
Meet other participants and network over a free lunch.

2.30pm: “E-commerce strategy”
Plan, develop and adapt your e-commerce strategy. Ideal for those who want to go further after the morning workshop, and for those who have already launched their e-commerce business.

Artificial intelligence & Web 3

calendrier picto Friday 18 october

9am – 4:30pm horloge picto

location picto

Dive into the future of digital technology with Artificial Intelligence and Web3. Take part in hands-on workshops to integrate AI into your business and explore the opportunities of Web3. Meet innovative female entrepreneurs and develop your project using the technologies of tomorrow.

9am: Inspiration breakfast – innovation and reaching international markets
Discover’ “innovation and international markets” support, as well as the experience of an AI entrepreneur. All this over a complimentary breakfast.

10am: “Use generative AI to develop your business” workshop
Discover the possibilities that AI offers your company in its day-to-day operations, and learn how to use the different tools. No experience required – just bring your computer.

Midday: Talk – Jenny Onya, founder of Fit-For-Purpose, “I adapted my business with the emergence of AI”
Jenny Onya, managing partner at Fit-For-Purpose, will share her experience of managing AI projects when you’re not an engineer or developer.

1pm: Networking lunch
Meet other participants and network over a free lunch.

2.30pm: “Web3: A new horizon for women entrepreneurs” workshop
We hear a lot about it, but what actually is Web3? Find out how this new digital era can be an opportunity for women entrepreneurs. No experience required for this workshop.

Digital Marketing

calendrier picto Friday 25 october

9am – 4pm horloge picto

location picto

Boost your online presence with Digital Marketing! Learn how to optimise your search engine results and develop customer loyalty through practical workshops and inspiring discussions. Meet marketing experts and develop effective strategies for your business.

9am: Welcome breakfast
Start this last day of the festival with a complimentary breakfast before the first workshop!

9.15am: “Improve your visibility and master SEO”
Having a website is essential for your business, but it also needs to be optimised for search engines. Learn how to optimise your presence to be visible to potential customers!

Midday: Talk – Nadia Aimé, founder of We Lead Digital, “Personal branding for my business”
A self-taught expert in cybersecurity at Microsoft, Nadia Aimé will share her experience and advice for an effective personal branding strategy.

1pm: Networking lunch
Meet other participants and network over a free lunch.

2.30pm: “How to retain customers? Keep is the new get” workshop
Building customer loyalty is just as crucial to your business as expanding your customer base. Learn how to engage customers, keep them satisfied to gain their loyalty, and make them your most effective brand ambassadors!

Festival Extras

Alongside the festival, discover events organised by partners of the Women in Business network.

Fotif Week 2024

Info and registration to come.

Technology for entrepreneurship - Arduino workshop

From 9am. to 5.30pm

Join the Orange Digital Center Fablab for a workshop on embedded electronics with Arduino. Dive into connected compost technology from start-up Greenzy.

On the program: handling sensors, building your own humidity sensor, and discovering new technological possibilities. A unique opportunity to see how technology can boost entrepreneurship, while discovering the potential of the Fablab.

From 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

And to round off the day, meet the Greenzy team and ask them all your questions (about their background, how their machine works, and more). You’ll also be able to discover their connected compost solution.

Cybersecurity through game

Come and prevent cybercriminals from attacking your company. Learn how to manage a cyber-attack crisis through games. Event in French.

Women in business all year round

Support and guidance with, the Brussels public agency for entrepreneurship, provides free support, whatever your project and whatever stage it’s at.

Its information service,, offers guidance and advice all year round.

Questions about running your own business? Where to start? What are the formalities? Need advice?


Activities, events, networking, training and entrepreneurial support designed specifically for women in Brussels don’t just happen in October. Find them all year round in our calendar.

Don’t miss a thing – our newsletter will keep you up to date!